Chuck and Jean and Alveta came last Thursday afternoon. Alveta is from Minnesota and Chuck and Jean are bringing her to California to see her son. She used to be Madsen and then was married to another man for 20 years - sorry I can't remember her current name. But she is very sweet and I enjoyed visiting with her. Friday night I had them over. Friday Jean, Alveta and I went thrift store shopping and then went out to lunch at the "White House, a local Mediterranean restaurant that specializes in garlic food. Saturday we went to a used book sale at the library, then I had everyone over for supper and games, since it was Steve's birthday. Sunday was relaxing and we napped and knitted until supper when we were invited to Steve and Sandra's for a birthday supper which Sandra had prepared - all Asian food - and you will see the huge smorgasbord of food that she cooked. It was superb. Here's some pictures:

1 comment:
Wow! Looks like you had fun!
Steve... you need to shave again :) and what was that speaker thing you got??
Sandra... that meal looks REALLY good!!! Man just as good as Panda Express!!!
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