We had a wonderful, relaxing time at Ben and Carissa's place. Carissa and I had an all-day shopping trip which included thrift stores, antique stores, craft stores, clothing stores..... We had Christmas dinner, which included ham, ham sauce, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, rolls, etc. Sunday afternoon we drove down and saw the elephant seals. December is the month they give birth and these baby seals are a week old or less. We drove by the Hearst mansion. We didn't have a chance to tour that on this trip, but we will do it another time. Carissa and I made lefsa and brought half of it to the Veldkamps in the evening to play games. Carissa wanted to learn to knit, so we got started on that. During a walk in a little town with antiques stores and such a lady gave us a whole bag of knitting magazines - so we looked through those, too. Carissa designed more bags to make and we cut one out and got it ready to sew. During the evenings we played games - we got going on Sequence and had a pretty good competition. I'll post a few pictures - I don't feel talented enough to post the picture right with the comment, but you will get the idea. On Monday evening we went to a "local" restaurant that was right by the wharf and the ocean - you can see the wharf outside the window - really fun! I will post some more pictures on my
picasa site. Tim will put some of his scenery pictures on his picasa site - he got some nice ones of the ocean and some wildlife.

This is Lois Austin, whom I have been told a number of times that I look like, so we finally got to shake hands.