We had a visit from a special niece! Suzanne came to see us for a few days before going on to Oregon Special Meetings. Here she is just after arriving.
She got acquainted with Conrad, too!
We had a nice Sunday dinner with Tim and Megan, plus Harry Henninger. Jeff and Susie are in MN.
What'd'ya think of this little cutie? He's getting some hair!
We had to have a few games, too. Taught Suzanne to play "Liar's Dice." :)
Conrad really wasn't in the mood for a family picture right then....
Over Thanksgiving weekend Jeff, Susie, Hunter, Tim and I went to Kellogg, Idaho, to a condo for three days. Steve, Sandra, Todd, Amy and Conrad joined us on Friday. Here's a few pics.
When we got there Hunter laid out his pajamas out on the bed right between Grandma and Grandpa. He thought that would be a perfect place to sleep! I guess if you click on the pictures they will get bigger.
We all spent a lot of time in the indoor water park. The lazy river was fun.
The condo was large and comfy. The main room where Jeff and Susie stayed was one bedroom with the couch making into a bed. Our smaller studio was attached. On Thanksgiving day there was a marathon of Tom and Jerry cartoons - the WHOLE DAY.
The first morning Susie made her special oatmeal pancakes for us.
This is our little Thanksgiving dinner that Susie and I combined to make. It's not the best picture but you can see we had lots of food.
Conrad wasn't 100% sure about the water - his first exposure except for baths.
Sandra enjoying the fireplace heat.
Some vegging out watching football!
This was funny. Trust me. It really was..... although I'm not certain what it was.
This is what happens when Grandma and Grandpa babysit. Conrad gets put in the toybox. Poor guy wasn't feeling well - as you can see he has a cold - but he cheerfully put on a smile so grandpa could take a picture. I can't seem to make the pictures real big anymore, but I think if you click on it that it will enlarge.
I'm a mom to four kids, three boys and one daughter and have two grandsons. I have a pretty special husband who loves to do woodworking and I spend time in my sewing room.