Monday, December 21, 2009

Saturday Bake-Off Day

Here's some pictures of our baking day - lots of cookies and goodies turned up and were exchanged. This is our three daughter in laws - Amy, Susie and Sandra, and our daughter Carissa.

Left to Right: Amy, Susie, Carissa, Sandra

Monday, December 14, 2009

AAAh, birthdays


Well, you know, birthdays come all too soon, don't they. Todd and I celebrate together. Amy outdid herself by making homemade pizza, topped off with a DQ peppermint chocolate ice cream cake!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hunter went Ice skating

Uncle Todd and Aunt Amy took Hunter ice skating on Liberty Lake today!

Monday, December 7, 2009


This is a sweater that I finally finished knitting and am blocking the pieces getting ready to sew it together. We will see how it fits.

Jeff's Birthday and miscellaneous

Todd and Amy's house with a beautiful new floor.

Grandpa and Hunter playing cars.

Jeff's birthday - the cake with Hunter's favorite car on it!

Hunter and I making cookies. The reason I am looking so anxious is that the pan is hot - you take the cookies out when almost done and add the Hershey's kiss.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Trip To California - Thanksgiving 2009

A little snow at the beginning. But that doesn't last long!

Ben made omelets for us for breakfast. Delicious!

Relaxing and letting the meal settle.

Our Thanksgiving.

Tim and Ben on top of Bishop's Peak near the kids' place.

Solvang - a Dutch village along the lines of Leavenworth.

The swimming pool. (One of them). At Hearst Castle.

I can't begin to tell you how beautiful the Hearst Castle is. For example, the Egyptian statues are almost 4,000 years old. Randolph Hearst imported them from Egypt.

Cal-Poly campus.

The beautiful Oregon coast.

Taken at Mo's famous chowder restaurant.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Not much news

Not much for pictures, so I will add this one of Hunter and I playing in his bedroom. I am pushing "mail" through the mail slot and then he would push it back out.

Interestingly, I am not showing date and time updates on the blogs in the sidebar. I checked them by chance yesterday and found some new additions. Wonder if it is Blogger malfunctioning?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Background

Ok, I like the green, so I guess this will be it for the background for awhile. I'm going to be starting up a sewing blog.... soon.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Trying the signature

I am trying this new signature thing. Plus I don't know why this annoying thing is pasting itself over the top of my posts.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Ball of Yarn

This is labeled 1918 - Soldiers at Walter Reed Hospital. See. Knitting is very therapeutic. By the way, if you like old pictures, this is a neat site.

One More Thing

Tim made a birdhouse and had the pieces ready to put together with the holes pre-drilled and the screws in place. Tim has this little drill, which you can see in the picture. So, yesterday afternoon, Hunter made a birdhouse!

Friday, November 6, 2009

My Day With Hunter

Here's a few things that Hunter and I played today. It was chilly and blustery outside, so we didn't go out. In the second picture, he is playing with moon sand, and he is "trimming the bushes."

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


This is the jacket I have been working on. I spent a long time yesterday getting the sleeves in. They are two-part sleeves for a better fit and I just couldn't get them right. But it is finally almost done. The fabric is a nice stretch cotton. I got it here.

Monday, October 19, 2009

New Sock Monkey

Here's a new sock monkey I made. Boo thought he should sit next to him. I think he needs a blue knitted stocking cap, but don't have a pattern. (the monkey, not Boo).

Friday, October 16, 2009


I have been wanting to get a package of these for awhile. The bags are so cute with these - there are 8 in the package, so we could each make one :-)

Quilt Show Today

Dad wants a lap quilt for this winter, so I got this packet of flannel fabrics today. I think I will cut out a moose shape and use those on a couple of larger squares and then us this fabric for the remainder.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fall Vacation to Leavenworth

We're really enjoying our vacation over here in the Cascades. On Friday we spent the day in Leavenworth and bought a few things we really didn't need :-) Great fun. Today we hiked 6.5 miles, about 20% of it uphill. Pretty good for two old people. The weather was very cold today - I had five layers of clothing on, and was just right. There were snow flurries in the air this morning when we started. Aren't the Cascades beautiful?